regaining inner balance

zastosowania SSP

The right balance unlocks our potential.

When the nervous system is in  in the state of safe equilibrium, we are better prepared to cooperate with our environment. We open up to other people, to information derived from interactions, we are more ready to be with others and to build constructive relationships with them. We are open to changes, and we can work more effectively on our own goals. The key to this is a sense of security that allows our senses and our consciousness to take care of ourselves.

The world we live in is constantly attacking us with an excess of stimuli, and stress is a daily given. As a result, our nervous system tunes into a different type of activity. It immediately goes into emergency, withdrawal, or ready to fight-and-flight mode. This helps us to cope with challenges, but if it lasts too long, it weakens our self-regulatory abilities.
Oftentimes, it becomes impossible to bring the right inner balance back on our own. Functioning under stress for a prolonged period of time becomes a source of constant mental discomfort and it makes it difficult to find the right resources to help ourselves.

That is why when working with my clients, I make extensive use of Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP). It is a method confirmed by numerous scientific studies, based on the polyvagal theory which supports the process of self-regulation of the nervous system. Its essence is the stimulating effect of electronically altered and formatted music on the autonomic nervous system by acting on the vagus nerve. I frequently observe the evident benefits of using the SSP. Application of the protocol  helps my clients to:

feel better, think better, and connect better

When using the SSP, it is crucial for me that the Client feels as safe as possible, and the ability of being with the client and observing the reaction to the music being listened to allows me to personalize the protocol process properly in order to obtain the optimal effect.

An important advantage of the SSP is the fact that the method uses the Client’s personal resources activating their own self-regulation mechanisms. It is down to this activation that we extend our responsiveness and we can use our resources more effectively in everyday functioning. This is where SSP meets the Solution Focused Brief Therapy approach that I broadly use  in my work. The SSP practically prepares the psyche for change, which brings positive results in a variety of situations that require psychological support.


overwhelm by any potentially life-threatening situations
sense of insecurity or danger, prolonging exposure to stressful environment
preparation for a regular psychotherapeutic process
unsatisfactory, deteriorating interactions: in a relationship, in the family, in the professional environment
long-term effects of coronavirus infection, including disregulation of the nervous autonomic system
tension headaches
absentmindedness, problems with concentration and functioning in a learning and professional environment
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other negative consequences of trauma
obsessive – compulsive disorder
nervous system deregulation after stroke or traumatic brain injury
eating disorders, including a monotonous and poor quality diet in children
disturbances in the processing and integration of external stimulation, such as sensory disintegration
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
selective and generalized hypersensitivity to sounds
sleep disturbance
mutism, speech disorders, articulation disorders
autism spectrum disorder (ASC)
prevention of the negative effects of stress caused by external factors, such as social deprivation as a result of pandemic regulations, proximity to an armed conflict, prolonged separation from family or relatives
mobilization of natural resources of mental resilience in times of hardship (professional change, emigration, illness, parenting challenges, relationship crisis, etc.)